DrupalConParis2009 - internationalization http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/taxonomy/term/146/0 en State of the drupal modules french translation and HOWTO translate modules in your language http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/state-drupal-modules-french-translation-and-howto-translate-modules-your-language <p>Drupal rocks, we all know that. But for non-english speakers (french users in our example, but this is not restrictive), whereas a basic drupal installation in their language is now a basic, when it comes to "can't live without them" modules, <strong>UI is often only in English</strong>. When a big institutional customer has to benchmark different CMSes, this can plague drupal.</p> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-bio-booklet"> <div class="field-label">Speaker bio:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> CEO of Open Web Solutions : in the LAMP web development since 2001, I&#039;ve discovered drupal 3 years ago and can not live without it ever since ! More seriously, I&#039;m managing big french web projects in drupal for our customers : from specs til hosting. </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-userreference field-field-co-presenters"> <div class="field-label">Co presenters:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/drupal-users/sbordage" title="View user profile.">sbordage</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><a href="http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/state-drupal-modules-french-translation-and-howto-translate-modules-your-language" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/state-drupal-modules-french-translation-and-howto-translate-modules-your-language#comments internationalization localization translation Wed, 08 Jul 2009 21:23:03 +0000 Moreau 1344 at http://paris2009.drupalcon.org Drupal for minority languages and indigenous communities in Brazil http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/drupal-minority-languages-and-indigenous-communities-brazil <p>When a small community is under pressure of a larger dominant culture, what can they do? Language has always been a major element for building a society's identity and it is not different for indigenous peoples in Brazil. If a language have less space and less space in its speakers' lives, it will shrink and may become endangered. To avoid it, one must seek all available resources to strengthen minority languages and give them more room to grow.</p> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-bio-booklet"> <div class="field-label">Speaker bio:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> José San Martin is a Drupal developer (since 4.6) and founder of Chuva Inc., a Brazilian Drupal shop that loves open source and tries to keep a somewhat progressive thinking. In a parallel life, he is also a linguist and researches on syntax (hey, it&#039;s real Science!). As a social/political activist wannabe, he&#039;s been helping the efforts to deliver Drupal for indigenous communities since last year and thinks this one of the many ways Drupal can change the world. </div> </div> </div> <p><a href="http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/drupal-minority-languages-and-indigenous-communities-brazil" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/drupal-minority-languages-and-indigenous-communities-brazil#comments community building Drupal for Good internationalization Sat, 04 Jul 2009 18:55:19 +0000 José San Martin 1118 at http://paris2009.drupalcon.org