DrupalConParis2009 - lulz http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/taxonomy/term/154/0 en The Social Stack for Fun & Profit http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/social-stack-fun-profit <p><cite>“As profits increase the margin reaches a second break-even point here, after which enterprise falls into loss.”</cite> —Terry Tate, Office Linebacker</p> <p>So you've read a good article or two about the OpenID revolution in Wired Magazine, 01Net says you should OpenSocial-ize your site, Michael Arrington dissed your company in front of potential investors because you didn't offer OAuth and your grandmother has express regret re her inability to use XRDS to syndicate her identity profiles on your web service.</p> <p>So you know, by name at least, the usual suspects of the so-called “Social Stack”…</p> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-bio-booklet"> <div class="field-label">Speaker bio:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Tim is a Project Director at af83, working on the social and low-fi Web. He was formerly a consultant for the Nasdaq Stock Market, a freelance Internet escape artist extraordinaire and a Google Summer of Code selectee. He graduated from the National Institute of Sciences in Lyon with a M.S. in Telecommunications and currently sits on the Cap Digital board for Ethics in Information Processing. He can be found on most IM services and social hideouts under the handle ‘timanglade’. </div> </div> </div> <p><a href="http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/social-stack-fun-profit" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://paris2009.drupalcon.org/session/social-stack-fun-profit#comments business lulz social Mon, 06 Jul 2009 10:50:16 +0000 timanglade 1135 at http://paris2009.drupalcon.org