Drupal 101
Submitted by jeffnoyes on June 15, 2009 - 21:30
Your session in a few words:
Drupal for absolute newbies
September 2, 2009 - 11:20 - 12:10
La Resserre
From zero to hero
Session Type:
Level of expertise:
English This session will orient people on how to get started with Drupal. We'll address installation using the Acquia Drupal Stack installers, then dive into some fundamentals such as:
- how does Drupal work (at a very high level)
- how do you begin to build a site. Adding pages, inserting navigation
- how do create roles and grant privileges
- how do you extend Drupal's features (finding and installing modules)
- how do you create ad's or specific call outs on your site
- how can you organize information on a page - like show a list of events
- how do you theme a drupal site.