What keeps us going? Living in a Do-Ocracy
The drupal seas can be rough, and they can be mild like a breeze. Know the social rules to be a better sailor.
What are the non-spoken-laws of our community?
What drives people to commit a considerable amount of their time to a voluntary project?
How do I act best when wanting to be a superstar or just get things done?
This is a half fun and half serious attempt to track the hidden and obvious rules Drupal and other OSS Communities and voluntary-driven projects obey to.
The presenter has a loving eye on all the stuff for Drupal feels like home to me.
Other topics you never wanted to know about, but will be included:
How does a Do-Ocracy really work?
Tales of Greenhorn experiences.
What does grass-roots-democracy mean to us?
How are decisions made?
Why do people choose those outreagously silly user-names?