Drupal's new database layer
Submitted by Crell on June 8, 2009 - 21:47
Your session in a few words:
Overview of the new Drupal 7 database architecture
Code it, test it, deploy it
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English Drupal's database layer has undergone a major overhaul in Drupal 7 to take advantage of new and powerful features in PHP 5. The new system includes over a dozen new features, from a query builder in core to support for Master/slave replication. As with most major overhauls, however, that means API changes. This session will cover the challenges of database abstraction, Drupal's approach, and how to fully leverage the new system in your own code and sites.
- Database abstraction: Why it's hard and even an unsolvable problem.
- The old Drupal approach, and why it's not good.
- The new Drupal approach, how to use it, and why it's awesome.
- Leveraging the database on your own code.
After attending this session, you should have a good idea of ways to leverage the new, modernized database system for your own modules and sites.