Rules: How to leverage rule-based automation on your sites!
The session demonstrates how to use the module to easily solve real-world problems by implementing some common use-cases. Thus attendees should get a good picture how to leverage rule-based automation for faster and more flexible site building!
The session starts with a basic introduction to the Rules Module and some related modules providing useful integration. Afterwards it's shown how these tools can be used to implement common use-cases, probably covering:
- Custom Login Redirects
- A publishing workflow
- React on user inactivity
- Rule-based form validation
Then some recent developments are presented, probably covering:
- Using rules to provide and use web services
- Syncing content across multiple sites
- Making use of RDF-data
As last point we shortly discuss what could be achieved with some further development - "What could be done else?"
To follow the session you should be familiar with drupal and common modules like CCK.
Would be intersting to see
Would be intersting to see what is being expected in Rules 2.
Of course, this is what I mentioned with "recent developments" above.
Will slides of this presentation be available online? I know there were video recordings, but for fast reference I prefer slides...
I've uploaded them here:
I've uploaded them here:
Used rules
Was badly looking for such a module. Very excited to use it.