Simple CCK - a simplified User Interface for CCK
Submitted by zserno on July 8, 2009 - 10:15
Your session in a few words:
A simplified User Interface for CCK
User experience and design
Session Type:
Level of expertise:
English This talk is going to present a module that we developed to make it possible for end-users to work with CCK.
- Basically it's a UI module on top of CCK built to improve it's usability.
- A tool you can give your customers to build their own content types - without previous Drupal knowledge - in minutes.
- A way to build new content types with custom fields in an easy, drag and drop way.
In the session we are going to show:
- How it works.
- Some existing and potential use cases.
- Technical solutions we did during development (e.g. how to leverage CCK functions in our module or how to make a drag and drop interface using the jQuery UI library).
While a big chunk of the session will be technical, everyone is welcome to attend. This is a tool that aims to improve usability, thus ideas by non-technical people are more than welcome.
Could you please link what your project page is? There is a major movement on the CCK front - if you have managed to make it completely more usable, then it should be in the community already.
As I said, project page is ready as well as the first beta release. Check
Here is a preview
I don't have a project page yet, because it's still very fresh. I'm planning to put it on d.o of course in the very near future. In the meantime please take a look at this blog post to get an idea about what it is: