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Open data with Flatstore

Your session in a few words: 
A storage API that helps you turn around data fast.
Code it, test it, deploy it
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Tons of information exists out there on the people, area and programs that you work on that could add serious value to your projects, but often that information isn't easily accessible, isn't stored in a standard format or system, and bottom line isn't maximized. The push to break data out of their silos is gaining momentum, with several governments leading the charge, including the U.S. government with efforts like that make large swaths of data accessible, usable, and downloadable from one place.

Flatstore helps accomodating large data sets. It is a storage API that dynamically allocates tables for two dimensional data, relates tables to each other and generates Schema and Views information on the fly. Together with FeedAPI you can use Flatstore to import arbitrary data from CSV or XML and expose it with Views instantly.

In recent months we have built data heavy sites for New America's Federal Education Budget Project, IFPRI's Food Security Portal and Mix Market with Flastore.

In this session I will explain how Flatstore leverages Schema API and Views for data storage and display, show with use cases how it helps us turn around data faster and share future development plans.


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Flatstore module in development seed's sandbox not found.