DrupalConParis registration opens
Submitted by DrupalconParis on May 23, 2009 - 21:43
DrupalCon Paris is now ready to take your orders.
On the menu: a familiar recipe, all fresh ingredients and medium spiced with a Parisian twist.
What's in store?
- Hours of meetings
- Design and Functionality
- Wireframes
- Liters of coffee
- Implementation best practices
- Putting in hooks all over the place
- Sleepless nights
- Theming
- IE Blaming sessions
- Testing and optimization fest
- Listening to amazing speakers
- Culinary delights
Et voila. We're all set.
What's next ?
First up: book your ticket.
We will be adding a bunch of features to the site the next few weeks: session proposals, T-shirt design submissions, featured showcases and more.
So stay tuned. Spread the word. Get a ticket.