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Post Drupalcon communication

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: May 25 2009

Hello there,

The "pre-conference" part of our communication plan is nearly over now. The objectives were to gather individuals at the conference (this one was easy), invite journalists/bloggers during the conference (mainly locals + media partners) and use the location of the conference as a purpose to talk about Drupal in France (great success so far). The main information that we had to communicate was "Hey, there is a Drupal conference, it is going to be great..." ;-)

Now, we will have to surf on the event to launch the "conference" and "post-conference" part of the plan. This is when we will have the main added value information to communicate, we will be able to tell the world what was so great about the conference.

This part of the communication plan, can and has to be global. More than global I would say it should be localized to each of your Drupal country.

This why I need your help to launch different actions in different countries.

Here is my draft proposal :

1) Have a little (4/5 people) international group of people to create a formal english communication package during the conf.
2) Gathers "ambassadors" from all other the world to localize and communicate the package.

So that we work in an effective way I suggest that these people should already have strong press / media connections in their country (or have staff/agency who can do that).

So please,
1) give me your feedback, I am sure we can develop and improve that idea
2) can you suggest people ?

See you,

Alexandre Eisenchteter.

User offline. Last seen 1 year 39 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: May 26 2009
Helping hand


I'm a native English speaker who has just relocated to Paris - I'd like to offer my support for this exercise.

