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Kasper Souren

Free software user and hacker since the previous millennium. Drupal came to me in 2008 through some encounters and I decided to give it a try. I have set up many Drupal sites, for NGOs, friends and business.

My ticket has been provided by Frédéric Morand.

Frédéric Morand

My main research interest is innovation for sustainable development and related issues of 'policy greening' and policy implementation in agri-environment, agro-tourism and sport turf. Conceptual problems raised by these issues include the co-evolution of formal and informal rules, which I coined as 'institutional integration'.

Although institutional integration is enjoying an ever-rising status in UN and EU policy agenda, its actors face recurrent cross-sectoral and cross-societal barriers that hamper its full realisation.

With Marco Barzman, Marjolein Visser and others, I founded Eco Innovation, an entrepreneurial charity generating initiatives and informational resources to better understand and alleviate those barriers.

Learning effectiveness appears a major obstacle to the mainstreaming of many potential 'eco-innovations'. Focusing on learning led us to tirelessly test the bookpages and other tools patiently assembled and revised by Stéphane Corlosquet (scor), starting in 2006.

We are developing our Drupal CMS into a multipurpose platform (eCollab) and are looking for partners in order to explore what the market holds for innovative e-learning tools in the field of eco-technologies.

Up to three words that describe you: 
learning sustainable development
Drupal nickname: 