Drupal 6 is a powerful system that has a steep learning curve for those new to it. The included theme system is no exception to this. As with any complex system, the key to using it effectively is to understand it. The purpose of this session is to increase your understanding to get you on your way towards creating a look all your own.
JavaScript is becoming more important to the Drupal platform. JavaScript can help in making an application feel more responsive to the user. More responsive, that is, until the JavaScript gets so large and unwieldy that your users begin to experience performance issues caused by the JavaScript itself.
This session mixes development with tips and tricks for using Drupal and jQuery, some common sense and a tab of usability. We will go through several examples that show how Drupal can do the heavy lifting for you so you create functional interfaces with little to no work at all. Endless fieldsets and needlessly visible content, begone with thee!
Render forms within tables with one hand.
Implement jQuery UI
Too much text is evil.
Play hide but no seek with unnecessary content using JavaScript.