I'll show you my design process, from start to finish- outlining everything from planning and research to client hand-off. I'll show you the time saving techniques I've used both as an in-house designer and a freelancer to get projects done right, and done on time.
We'll cover:
* Research & planning
* Wireframing
* Delivering design comps
* Testing & iteration
* Getting client approval
* The theming process
* Getting copy & content written & in place
* Successful hand-off and launch
.... that one day, in addition to screenshots of the UI, we will also be able to reference video clips of usability testing for any UX related issue in the issue queue. Showing both evidence of people experiencing the problem and why they are having that problem and also video clips showing the proposed design solution being tested and demonstrating that the design does in fact work.
If there is one thing that can get design and UX discussions out from behind the bikeshed, it is a shed load of usability testing.
Would you like to create Flash websites and allow your clients manage the content of their websites without breaking what you've created, and without you having to do it for them? This session takes you through the basics concepts of theming Drupal in a way that will save both you and your clients a lot of time and headaches.
Learn how to theme a site from scratch within about half an hour using the painter module in conjunction with the joker theme - no coding.
Start out with a theme design, cut up the image elements using joker, including logo, page header, footer, blocks, buttons and navigation. Theme page title, primary and secondary links as well as primary and secondary tabs with the painter.
This session mixes development with tips and tricks for using Drupal and jQuery, some common sense and a tab of usability. We will go through several examples that show how Drupal can do the heavy lifting for you so you create functional interfaces with little to no work at all. Endless fieldsets and needlessly visible content, begone with thee!
Render forms within tables with one hand.
Implement jQuery UI
Too much text is evil.
Play hide but no seek with unnecessary content using JavaScript.
Drupal is the best Open Source CMS, and probably more. It is also a great source of frustration for many of its supporters.
This presentation will walk you trough a selection of EPIC FAILS from the point of view of a long time Drupal integrator, user and fan. It also tries to offer solutions to those problems, including prototypes, code contributions and sponsoring.