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User offline. Last seen 1 year 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: Jun 3 2009

Invoices generated right now are useless.

Proper invoces must have:

* Issuer information (Company/organization, address, vat number, etc...) In this case I think the issuer is the Drupal Association.
* Date
* Invoice number (usually every invoice a company issues have a serial number: 1, 2, 3 ,4...).

Invoices should be generated as soon as posible, so the buyer can use it for accounting and taxes.

I'd would be nice to have them in PDF.

User offline. Last seen 1 year 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: May 25 2009
how do we get an invoice?

Could anybody point me in the correct direction?
I would like to get a valid invoice for my company.

Thanks for your advice!

User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: Jun 20 2009
The invoices are still not

The invoices are still not good enough.

  • The word invoice
  • A unique reference number (in case of correspondence about the invoice). Eg. “Invoice number”.
  • Date of the invoice.
  • Tax registration details of seller (if relevant)

Most important for all companies from the European Union:

The European Union requires a VAT (value added tax) identification number on invoices between entities registered for VAT (eg. Companies).


If seller and buyer belong to two different EU countries, and both VAT identification numbers are present at the invoice the buyer can claim VAT exemption (VAT exemption according to directive 77/388/CEE of 17 May 1977).

User offline. Last seen 2 days 10 hours ago. Offline
Joined: May 25 2009
Invoices are being modified

Thank you for notifying this issue.

It will be updated as soon as possible.

User offline. Last seen 1 year 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: May 26 2009
Invoice details

Sorry to keep hassling you about the invoices, but they're still missing some of the obligatory details. There's a good guide to the 'mentions obligatoires' here:

... not all of those details apply to the Drupalcon ticket, but without a date, a VAT number and the VAT rate, they're really not usable at moment. I know you're really busy in the run-up to the conference, but if this could be sorted out afterwards - when things are a bit calmer - that would be great.

User offline. Last seen 1 year 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: May 26 2009

Just wanted to agree with Pedro's comments above. In addition, I think that you need to add the VAT rate (19.6%) next to the VAT amount. It also doesn't actually state anywhere that it is an invoice. Sorry to be so picky but, at the moment, the document isn't really usable for accounting purposes.