Commercial training track on day 1
Hi can someone please clarify the situation for 5 day ticket holders please and the commercial tracks.
I've read that if you have one of these you don't need to pay an extra 145Euro for the commercial track. That's great.
But do I still need to register for the commercial track? And if so, where and how?
To be honest this is one of the key events for me, I don't want to miss it.
The day, including BoF sessions, Code Sprints and social events is included.
The commercial training is not included.
I think if you just want to go to the commercial training - and not the full 5 day DrupalCon - then you can pay 145EUR. But if you are attending the full DrupalCon, the cost of the commercial training is included within your 5 day ticket.
the commercial training day is included in the overall 5 day pass.
the extra charge is for those only wanting to attend the commercial training.
There will me more info soon on the site about whether or not having to register.
hope that helps