Drupal for Education
September 2, 2009 - 16:10
Any education folks here be interested in a BOF to talk about how you are using Drupal, specific issues with breaking into the .edu sphere, and breaking down the barriers for edu institutions adopting CMS in general? I'm in higher ed specifically, but I'd be open to talking with folks at all level of institutions.
September 2, 2009 - 17:57
Yep, absolutely. I come from
Yep, absolutely. I come from a supporting teachers backgorund, but the problems are pretty much the same.
September 2, 2009 - 17:09
Drupal in education
Hello ajschwab,
though I am not onsite, I'd still be interested in having a chat with you on Drupal in Education. We actually do have a solution to break down the barrier for edu institutions adopting drupal. Feel free to drop me a message here or via email.