How to "SELL" and "BUY" Tickets
According to DrupalCon Paris staff :
If you are going to "buy" or "sell" a ticket with another individual you need to work out your monetary exchange between yourselves. But to make the actual ticket transfer you need to contact DrupalCon staff. They will verify the person selling has a valid ticket and will handle assigning it to the "buyer"
Here are contact details on how to do this.
You can send an email to and put in cc.
Using the normal contact form on the Drupalcon site will work too
Hi there,
Houdbee wants to sell his ticket to Lorenzo
We've been sending mails for a few days to the emailboxes stated here - but no reaction :-(
What to do?
Please advise - can I call someone?
We are really under a bunch of pressure as the conference is nearing (less then 3 weeks).. so we are a slow to respond. But it is in the queue... I hope you can pardon our reaction time.
Like those above I have been sending emails to those addresses for seven days to verify a ticket transfer. Just need to verify that I have a valid ticket.
Is it better just to post requests for ticket transfers here on forum?
As the email sent was from a different account then the one used for registering we had a bit of a problem getting the two bits of information together; Found now will be treated shortly.
If you are trying to transfer a ticket from one person to another here are some helpful hints on how to do this in a way that reduces the load on the staff.
1) To sell you need to stay registered until your ticket has been transfered.
2) To buy for yourself or someone else , whoever is to have the ticket assigned to them - they need to have a profile on the DrupalCon Paris site.
3) The seller needs to include:
- Real Name of the seller as they entered in their profile.
- Email address of the seller as they entered in their profile.
- Name that the seller uses on the conference site as they entered into their profile.
- A statement from the seller saying they desire to transfer their ticket to the buyer, this should have been sent from the email address the seller has in their profile and they need to mention at least:
- name the buyer is using for the conference
- the email address the buyer have registered in the buyers profile.
the same as above for the person to whom the ticket it to be assigned.
4) If you are the buyer here are things that you need to include:
If You Are Buying For Someone Else You Need to Supply The Detail Of The Person To Whom The Ticket Will Be Assigned.
- Real Name of the person to whom the ticket is to be assigned - just as they have in their profile.
- Email address of the person to whom the ticket is to be assigned - just as they have in their profile.
- Name that the person to whom the ticket is to be assigned uses on the conference site, just they have in their profile.
5) Proof of purchase price - if you are doing this via paypal - include a copy of the paypal email that confirms funds transfer. This proves that you did not violate the no scalping policy.
Now bundle all of that up in one email, send it to and put in cc. Also cc each of the people involved in the transaction, using the email addresses they have in their conference profiles.
If you are buying or selling more than one ticket - supply all the above for each ticket transfer.
If you supply this information together in one email you will greatly reduce the time it takes staff to process your ticket transfer request.