This session will unveil how the Waste Management (WM) Information Technology organization has adopted Drupal as a key technology for web site development. Waste Management, a fortune 200 company, is the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico leading provider of comprehensive waste and environmental services, collecting approximately 66 million tons of solid waste annually from nearly 20 million residential, municipal, commercial and industrial customers.
“As profits increase the margin reaches a second break-even point here, after which enterprise falls into loss.” —Terry Tate, Office Linebacker
So you've read a good article or two about the OpenID revolution in Wired Magazine, 01Net says you should OpenSocial-ize your site, Michael Arrington dissed your company in front of potential investors because you didn't offer OAuth and your grandmother has express regret re her inability to use XRDS to syndicate her identity profiles on your web service.
So you know, by name at least, the usual suspects of the so-called “Social Stack”…