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Dries Buytaert

Dries Buytaert is the original creator and project lead for the Drupal open source web publishing and collaboration platform. Buytaert serves as president of the Drupal Association, a non-profit organization formed to help Drupal flourish. He is also co-founder and chief technology officer of Acquia, a venture-backed software company that offers products and services for Drupal. Dries is also a co-founder of Mollom, a web service that helps you identify content quality and, more importantly, helps you stop website spam.
Up to three words that describe you: 
Maître de cérémonie
Drupal nickname: 

Development Seed

Development Seed is a communications strategy and development shop. We create tools to help organizations better communicate. Working primarily in the international development sector, we've mapped food security operations on the ground in Africa, deployed decentralized data collection tools to monitor bird flu response capacity in Southeast Asia, and developed the intranet at the World Bank used by their geographically disperse communications team of nearly 1,000 people.

Agence Karismatik

KARISMATIK est une agence de production technique web, spécialisée dans les solutions open source PHP MySQL. Karismatik est Implantée à Paris et Tunis. Notre plateforme de production en Tunisie nous permet d’appliquer des tarifs 30 à 50% plus avantageux que ceux des concurrents français. Nous sommes spécialisés dans les CMS open source en PHP comme Drupal, Joomla, Spip, Wordpress, ...  

OSInet | Ouest Systèmes Informatiques

OSInet est spécialisée en ce qui concerne Drupal dans le développement de modules pour les fonctionnalités spécifiques des sites, et notamment l'intégration aux données de productions externes à Drupal.


AF83: mix equal parts of passion for web tech, mobile apps, user interaction research and graphic design. Stir delicately. Serve with lots of coffee, sit back and enjoy the smooth blend.


Trellon is an Internet strategy and development firm specializing in delivering Drupal solutions. Since 2004, we have been delivering web portals, integrated CRM systems, widgets, social networking applications, and strategy and strategic consulting services for a variety of clients in the non-profit, NGO, political and business sectors. We chiefly focus on building online communities, CRM / eCRM systems, social networks, online systems for traditional print publications, e-commerce solutions, and specialized 'niche' applications.


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