The distribution options for digital media creators (musicians, filmmakers, photographers and artists in general) are bewildering: Songbird, MySpace, Facebook, iTunes, YouTube, Napster, etc, etc...
Wouldn't if be great if we could upload our content and write descriptions and lyrics to one place - a place that we controlled and owned - and then these files and associated metadata got spread out to all the distribution points that we wanted, automatically?
Drupal in specific, and the web in general, are developing to be more and more semantic.
By “semantic” we mean that the content describes itself. Drupal 7 will probably contain many RDF capabilities, that will allow us to inject descriptive data into our website, thus making it more understandable to search engines, or other websites (and eventually yes... also to humans...).
OAI-ORE (Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange) is one special case, in which media assets on a website, are described and aggregated in an XML file (RDF, RDFa or ATOM).
Over the years, there has been multiple attempts to integrate RDF and Drupal with many contributed modules like Relationship, Semantic Search or FOAF. None of them has proven to be sustainable and popular until 2007, when the RDF API came out for Drupal 6, followed by many other RDF modules for Drupal 6.